Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Perhaps an introduction would be appropriate here.

My name is Matteo D'Avano.  I am 32 years old.  I was born in Florence, Italy.  I have gone through life as a hunter of the unknown- most notably, the minions of the Faceless Horror, which many of you refer to as the Slender Man.

A man I consider a mentor of sorts was the man who founded CRUSADER.  Our aims were identical- the elimination of all supernatural evil from this world.  There were not many of us, but we were all experienced fighters, skilled in martial arts and the use of firearms.  We have hunted many of Its servants, and many who bear Its taint within them.

I use the past tense here, because I am no longer among CRUSADER.  As you may know, I encountered the Faceless Horror along with Konaa, and fought It.  The wounds I received were grave, but not fatal.  The physical injury was meaningless- the true consequence was that I too have been corrupted by It.  Those I called comrade will now kill me on sight.

Perhaps my immediate expulsion could have been avoided- such a thing has happened before, with the infected CRUSADER being spared long enough to make one last attack on It.  However, another event two days after the fire sealed my fate.  I encountered Konaa once again.  His eyes were dull, the fierce determination they had once held gone.  He asked something of me.

I could not bring myself to accept.

And that is why I am considered traitor to my fellows now.  However, I cannot allow this to stop me.  I will continue my mission, regardless of my own infection.  The tainted must perish, for the sake of all humanity.


  1. Damn straight you couldn't bring yourself to accept, if I'm reading this correctly.
    Because there would have been

  2. More Zero wannabes... JOYOUS. What do you think of "Proxies" Mr. Knight?

  3. I believe you to be victims as well, though sadly more deluded than most.

    You are like us, Morningstar. The only difference is that you do not know it.

  4. Oh, wow. Ace secret keeping there, jackass.

    Do you have any idea how much crap I'm gonna get for you telling them that?

  5. Oh please God. Please, say this is not Vatican related at all.
